Our Story

A life-giving journey of following the Lord’s leadership, entering into rest, and experiencing family restoration.

New Zealand was first highlighted to Yuk Lynn and Roy in 2009 as a place where they should secure land to build a place of refuge/retreat. This was followed by the revelation about the Kiwi fruit, which was first brought to NZ from China in 1894 and is called the Chinese gooseberry or Mihou fruit. Mihou refers to macaques in Chinese, so named as they are their favorite fruit.

After four years of pondering/searching for the appropriate site in different locations on the North Island, Yuk Lynn and Roy were led to a particular piece property on the shores of Lake Taupo, which is a freshwater lake the size of Singapore created by volcanic eruption (so massive that it was observed and recorded in Chinese historical journals).

It took 10 years from acquiring the site to completion. Much of the early period was spent praying over, anointing and interceding to prepare the land and the hearts of Yuk Lynn and Roy Chen before construction began. One of the key features of the land is to be fully entered into God’s rest, of coming into the reality of the finished work of the cross, the redemption of all creation, the revealing of the sons of God.

The significance of the Kiwi fruit, meanwhile, is in reference to the transformation that can take place, i.e. turning a sour fruit not valued by humans but left for monkeys to consume into a super fruit known and prized globally for its immune boosting and medicinal properties since it is laden with Vitamin C, antioxidants, edible fibers and other ingredients that are shown to be effective in healing liver, heart diseases, and even cancer.

In similar fashion, the belief is that those who operate under the spirits of performance, self-reliance, competition, striving and the orphan spirit will be able to find reprieve as they spend time in Two Trees, receiving much needed rest, refreshing & re-centering and even soul healing and restoration.