Why Luxury & Exclusive?

On their spiritual journey to date, it was highlighted to Yuk Lynn and Roy that those materially wealthy individuals and families are among the most lonely/neglected people groups in Christendom because their needs for fellowship and ministry are mostly hidden/kept confidential or assumed to be non-existent simply because access to financial resources is frequently equated with readily available solutions. However, it is often the case that those rich in abundance of material possessions experience more relational poverty than most.

Just as Jesus ministered to Zaccheus, so Yuk Lynn and Roy feel moved to address the needs of this particular sub group by providing a safe haven that would be conducive for the spirit of rest and stillness to be experienced first hand. In the same vein, God always meets us where we are, rather than requiring us to jump through hoops unnecessarily to show we are “worthy” of encountering him (the prodigal’s father ran when he saw his wayward son returning from afar, in a culture that spurns such “indignant” actions). Moreover, it seems there are very few, if any, spiritual retreats in existence anywhere that cater to this group at present. These are a few considerations behind designing/building Two Trees as a high end and exclusive locale.